Activated Carbon for Water Filters for Home use

Activated carbon / ion exchanger is used for the removal of undesirable taste, respectively chlorine in drinking water.
Silver-impregnated carbons are employed for bacterial control in the drinking water filters by the oligodynamic effect. A special production process assures the fixing of the silver and a defined concen-tration of silver ions will be continuously released to the liquid phase thereby controlling bacteria growth.

Donau Carbon supplies activated carbon grades in various size ranges and with different impregnant concentra-tions for such applications.

Recommended AC Qualities:
Alcarbon PI 18 x 40 AG 005
Alcarbon PI 12 x 30 AG 01

All mentioned carbon types meet the requirements of DIN EN 12 903 and 12 915 and are suitable for the treatment of potable water.

Further technical documents and samples available on request.


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